
I've got the Blues...

The Icy Ones. Being that it is 71 degrees in February, things are far from icy down here in the South. But that's not the kind of icy I am referring to. Neither is the "icy" on our list of words we were allowed to use to describe someone during the sketchy week called rush.

No, No, No. I am referring to the beautiful icy blue-ish/green-ish color that I am apparently in love with. Not only have I caught myself pinning all kinds of stuff in this color, but I have also noticed that I already have a lot of it in my house. Especially in my bedroom. So, anywho, here it is... If anyone has a name for this color/shade, please advise.

Source: google.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: saifou.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: google.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: bhg.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: boston.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: bhg.com via Callie on Pinterest

Source: houzz.com via Callie on Pinterest

I am telling yall, for some reason my eye loves these icy blue/green shades. This is not even half the pins I have with this color in them. It is a little cray-cray..

Anywho, moving on to another shade of blue. It seems I have also had my eye on everything blue when it comes to fashion.

And last, but most certainly not least, a few things to keep you from getting the blues!

Am I turning into this? O, no.... I can't.

and Kendol wears his daily... He loves them...

Source: bing.com via Callie on Pinterest

O, Hello There Raylan... So sweet of you to show your pretty face and brighten my Wednesday morning!!

Happy Wednesday Loves!!


A Day Worth Celebrating

Today is the 134th Birthday of my favorite place on earth. I felt it absolutely necessary to celebrate such an occassion since it is most certainly a major factor in where I am and who I am today.

The place I have loved since day one. The place that there was never any doubt in my mind that I would be going to the second I graduated highschool. The place I first did the Dawgpound Rock and danced to Who Let the Dogs Out. (and yes, we still play Who Let the Dogs out... and Yes, it brings back to the best memories of the first ever football game I ever attended, which also happened to be the day my sister decided to change her mind from Ole Miss to State). The place that I spent most every weekend of my senior year of highschool. The place I met my new and lifelong best friends. The place where I became sisters with the best  group of ladies in the world, Tri Delta. The place where I spent 4 of the BEST years of my life. The place I never wanted to leave (except for the whole school part). The place where I learned the value of a dollar and what it meant to have to work for it. The place where I probably partied a little too hard and didn't study quite enough. The place where I received an education that prepared me for the rest of my life. The place where I learned who I was. The place I made many, many mistakes. The place where I laughed. The place where I cried. The place where I grew. The place where I learned what life was all about. The place I still get just as excited over as I did the first time I ever went. The place where I still spend my fall days rooting for my favorite team. But most of all, the place where I met my very best friend who I now call my husband... one week before graduation!! So, yes this day is worth celebrating  to me bc I cannot imagine my life without Mississippi State University.

Kendol and I the first night we ever hung out.
Not sure about the hat...

All My Best MSU Ladies (in one pic!!) at my Wedding Rehearsal.

Celebrating after the Rehearsal at the Alluvian

I thank my God upon ever rememberance of you.
Philippians 1:3


Back to the Basics

Recently I have noticed that this whole blogging world has become quite the "game of numbers" and "keeping up with the Jones." It may have always been like this, but I am just now starting to notice. And don't get me wrong, I am guilty too. I would be lying if I said I didn't get excited when I get new followers or  found myself thinking, well that's a cute idea. Why didn't I think of that? Or she sure is hysterical and outspoken? Why can't I be that funny. Why this? Why that? But that is by no means the reason that I write this blog or the reason that I started it.And you know what. I will not do that anymore. I don't particularly want to "Keep up with all of the Jones'" This is my blog. My space. .

So, as of today, I am taking this thing back to the basics. Back to the time before pinterest and back to the time when I didn't know how everything on blogger worked. Back when I actually "wrote" on my blog bc I had something to say and not because I "needed" to write a post most every day.

So here we go, back where we started from. The Good Life. Taken from the Bible Verse above "He fills my life with good things." Psalm 103:5. A place to share all of the great things that God has sent my way. An online scrapbook of sorts.

Maybe I will post less... May I will not! Who Knows.

Over the Weekend

Food... Food... and more Food..

Alright. I'm done.

Kidding, Kidding... but seriously this weekend consisted of lots of food, friends and family.
 O, and lots of classics, such as The Waterboy, Wedding Crashers and Super Troopers.
And yes, I consider Super Troopers a classic... duh..

Friday night:

Run in my fresh pair of Nikes!
Followed by a little wine!

Saturday afternoon Crawfish:

Saturday night sunset from our driveway

On Saturday night, Yes we did.
We ordered the Pizza Hut Box.
Three of Them.
(It was more than just us two)
Replaced the breadsticks with cheesesticks.

Beautiful Sunday afternoon in the country:


Sister and Hayesy

Wedding Shower Time:

Kitchen Aid Hand Mixer... Must have!

All kinds of plants for their new yard!!
And that's a new microwave I spot in the back!


A Letter

I hear you say "My love is over,
it's underneath, it's inside, it's in between.
the times you doubt Me, when you can't feel
the times that you've questioned 'is this for real?'
the times you've broken, the times that you mend
the times you hate Me and the times that you bend"
well My love is over, it's underneath
it's inside, it's in between,
these times you're healing
and when your heart breaks
the times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
the times you're hurting
the times that you heal
the times you go hungry and are tempted to steal
in times of confusion and chaos and pain
I'm there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
I'm there through your heartache
I'm there in the storm
My love I will keep you by My power alone
I dont care where you've fallen, where you have been
I'll never forsake you
"Times" ~ Tenth Avenue North


O, What a Week

Is anyone else in a funk like me? Something's just a little off. I'm just not Callie and I can't figure out what's wrong with me. Little things that would never bother me are driving me nuts and putting me in a bad mood. I haven't slept since last weekend, I don't think. The work week has gone by painfully slow. I don't even like the music that comes on pandora.

Maybe it's the constant changing of weather. Not good for my allergies.. What.So.Ever.
Maybe it's the hurricane winds (hate for my hair to blow.. hate)
Maybe it's the highschool convention going on at the Marriott that's had every restaurant packed for two weeks now, to where I can't even get lunch.
Maybe it's my lack of sleep.
Maybe it's Kendol's snoring. (he is sick and can't breath.. so naturally he is snoring...poor guy, he can't help it, but we all know how much repetitive noises make me almost have a nervous breakdown.) Last night, I finally gave up and slept on the couch. I've never done that.
Maybe it's all of the crazy news coming from my highschool.
Maybe I'm homesick.
Maybe I miss my friends.
Maybe I'm sad bc my Haysie Poo has an eachache and her tubes aren't working. And I know she got her bad ears from her Aunt Cal. Breaks my heart. It's awful. Trust me.
Maybe it's the fact that I just want a damn cheeseburger (this counting calories isn't really that bad at all and it definitely works... but damn it I just want something bad for me)
Maybe it's that I've been trying not to let myself drink cokes this week.
Maybe it's the fact that I've NEVER been this pale in my life. Seriously. Why did I cancel my tanning, again?
Maybe it's the fact that they may bring the cowboy back on Idol. I will die.... Ugh
Maybe it's the fact that I don't even have a quarter... yes a quarter, to get a drink at work...
Maybe it's all of the sad, undeserving news I've been hearing from friends and blog friends.

My heart is just heavy. My mood is just down. And I just don't like it one bit. These are all silly little things (yes some are serious, some are not) that don't even compare to what others are going through. And that makes it even worse. Why are they bothering me?

The weather has been warm and beautiful. Perfect for running (with the wind, of course... good luck going the other way).
I get to see my family on Sunday.
I get to see some of my friends on Sunday.
Kendol cooked my favortie most fattening meal on Wednesday.
I am decreasing my chances of cancer by not going to the tanning bed (Ha!)
I usually gain 5 or so lbs when I start working out hardcore, this time I've lost almost 4. So that's about 10 lbs down. Sa-Weet.... But I still want a Five Guys burger.
Hopefully all of the sad, undeserving news I've been hearing is just the beginnings of something far better!

Source: favim.com via Callie on Pinterest