
Weekend Top Ten

Most Photos Provided by Rod's Racers Photography

1. Fried Shrimp from the Hilltop and the Pillow ballgame on the radio
2. Broke my parents new t.v. remote (whoopsy)
3. My first 300 Oaks 5K
(this was the 31st race and it's my hometown... first time to participate... ridiculous)
4. Katie (in the maroon) had something in her cereal on Saturday and WON the race for our age group. Get. It. Girl.
5. Visits with both Grandmothers :)
6. Family Dinner complete with Ribs, Baked Beans, Potato Salad & French Bread
7.  Mississippi State beat Troy. 3-0 for the first time since 1999.
8.  Kendol and Daddy, along with others, had work day at the Deer Camp and got everything all ready for the season!! Can't Wait!
9. Sunday Nap
10. Surprise visit from Kaylis & Lawson :)

And I didn't get to meet sweet Alyssa who was staying at the Alluvian (jealous!) in Greenwood and figured out we were in the same place!! I sure hope she loved Greenwood as much as I do :)

P.S. The Military Man in the middle ran the entire race just like that. Full dress, carrying the flag. Bless him and God Bless America!!!


  1. I've never run in 300 Oaks either...just pathetic. Maybe I need to get back on the pavement and start running again so we can do it together next year?! Glad you had a good weekend, girlfriend.

  2. Wow! Awesome weekend, lady! Loved these pics :)

  3. I wish I knew that was your hometown!!!! I would have totallllly planned to meet up with youuu. It was such a last minute little trip and we needed to get back for football! hah I'm still learning that life down south pretty much revolves around college football. Anywaysss, I'm pretty sure we'll be heading back down there at some point -- we kinda liked the small town feel and it was nice to get away from Memphis for a bit, even if we were only there for less than 24 hours hah

  4. wow what a stud wearing all of his gear, carrying the flag the whole time. God bless the USA!! congrats on your race :-)

  5. Rock star! That's so awesome that you did this AND had fun! Go you!!

  6. Looks like a great weekend! A lot of running!

  7. And you came in third!! Crazy! Congrats lady! I want to get into running once I move back home. You gonna do the Blues Marathon in January?
