
"I Dropped My Tooth"

Ok, I have debated all day over whether or not to share this story, but it is just too hysterical not to. Sorry Kendol!!!

Kendol has two fake teeth. One that never came in and one that got knocked out playing football. And one of two, also got knocked out by a boogie board at the beach.

First funny story regarding the imfamous fake tooth: Picture it, Kendol and I on our honeymoon and him missing a tooth. He noticed that it had been kind of loose, but was going to wait until after the wedding to get it checked out, bc there was just so much going on. Bad idea. It fell out while we were in the middle of the ocean in Jamaica, snorkling. This was day 3 of the honeymoon and my new husband is toothless. Just like the picture below. Exact tooth, just opposit side. Luckily, I notice IMMEDIATELY and the tooth was in his snorkle... what are the chances of that?? 2 billion to none...Anywho, his original implant had gone bad and since then he has had a few procedures done to begin the process of getting a new implant. Well, about two months ago, they pulled this old tooth out for good and he has had one of those teeth on a retainer things... yes, he takes it out in public all the time to eat and such. HYSTERICAL

Ok on to last night: Picture it, we are all at the Jason Aldean/Eric Church concert at the coliseum. Kendol has this look of horror on his face. I asked what happened. His response "I dropped my tooth and there's no way to find it because it's so dark." "You did what, how do you drop your tooth hahaha?" Why he took it out in the first place is beyond me.. who knows!! In between the laughter and spreading the word to the other 10 people around us (Ann-Hamilton, Ryan, Krista, Cody, Stephanie, Wally, Colby, Tiffany, Kalley and Brister), I freaked out a little. This whole process is outrageously expensive and we can't really afford a new tooth retianer, if this one had gotten stepped on or lost for good. Also, this would have meant he really would be toothless until the actual surgery in August.

So, Kendol taps the girl in front of us. She asks what it is we are looking for, to which Kendol responds "my retainer with my tooth." You can imagine the girls facial expression. Luckily it was under her chair and yes, she picked it up and handed it to him. Yes, she touched some crazy persons tooth retainer BAHAHA. Anywho, at this point, he could not put it back in bc it had been on the coliseum floor, so he spent the remainder of the night toothless. HYSTERICAL. I am used to this bc he takes it out all of the time at home. Everyone else, on the other hand, is not so used to it and I don't think we stopped laughing for an hour. He continued to just chat with people that we saw afterwards and never checked up. It never crossed his mind that he is missing a front tooth and is not giving them any sort of explanation. (knowing they are dying on the inside, wishing they could get up the nerve to ask about it) So everyone now thinks I have a toothless husband.

A little twitter humor from today:

Kalley Barlow: Keep on chuckling to myself thinking about kendol loosing his tooth last night @Callie_Collins #thehangover

Colby Johnston: How's that tooth Marve?
Marve's Response: The poor girl who found it is my hero.

(Who is Marve, you ask? Marve would be Kendol. All of his college friends thought he looked like Marve off of Home Alone and it STUCK!! For those of you wondering.)


OOOOO and speaking of Colby... I am super happy to say...
(as of last night, after the concert)
Preciousness. I could not be more excited for these two. They are about as perfect as you can get.


O and just a few pictures from last night!! DUH!

This could quite possibly be the worst picture ever, but it's too funny.
I was trying to capture the missing tooth, but he wouldn't cooperate.

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