Day 1:Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
"Cause where I come from
It's cornbread and chicken
Where I come from a lotta front porch pickin'
Where I come from tryin' to make a livin'
And workin' hard to get to heaven"
While my life can be summed up in a country song, such a ZBB's "Chicken Fried" or Alan Jackson's "Where I Come From," there's a lot more to it.
I know I am a day behind with this, but I was so excited when I saw this topic to write about. It brought back one of my very favorite blog posts that I've ever written...all the way back to August 2011.
I am from the Mississippi Delta. I am from miles and miles of gorgeous flatlands filled with cotton and corn. I am from the birthplace of the blues. I am from a place with deep, rich history. I am from a place where you can see every star in the sky. I am from a small town where everybody knows everybody, and their business. I am from a place where you speak to everyone, not just pass them by. I am from a town where everyone talks with a strong southern accent. I am from a place where all boys drive trucks, most of which are white. I am from a place where everyone wears cowboy boots. I am from a place where the girls are gorgeous and the boys are most handsome. I am from a town where it takes 2 minutes to get anywhere you might need to go. I am from a town that, in my eyes, is picture perfect. I am from the country. Specifically, I am from the Cotton Capital of the World. I am from the home of Viking Range.I am from a place that I am so proud of and love, Greenwood, MS.
I am from two parents that have gone above and beyond their call of duty as parents. I am from a mother, who is teacher. I am from a daddy (or diddy as we say it down here), who works 12 hours days in the 100+ Mississippi heat on farms all across the delta, as an entomologist. I am from a farming family. I am from family dedicated to God and North Greenwood Baptist Church. I am from parents who rarely miss a Sunday of church. I am from a family who celebrates Christmas like no other. I am from a family who eats chocolate gravy. I am from parents who are my best friends. I am from a family that eats supper at the table together every night. I am from parents that can't wait for us to come home to visit, as much as possible. I am from a mother who I talk to on the phone every single day. I am from a mother who has never missed a ball game or event EVER! I am from a daddy who loves the outdoors. I am from a daddy who loves to take me hunting. I am from a daddy who can do or fix anything. I am from a parents who taught the value of respect, the value of a dollar, the importance of always being on time and the value of your family name. I am from a family full of love and support. I am from a family named Pittman that I am proud of and that's (hopefully) proud of me.

I am from two sisters, Ann-Hamilton who is a teacher and Eleanor, who is a freshman at Mississippi State. I am from my older sister,who has always acted like my mother and kept me in line, who, during college, I renamed "Momma Ham." I am from an older sister who has been the best role model a little sister could ask for. I am from an older sister that lives right down the street and I see nearly every single day. I am from an older sister who inspired my love for fashion and from a little sister, who could really care less. I am from an older sister who is the best mother, to my niece, Hayes. I am from a hilarious brother-in-law, Ryan, who I can also call a good friend. I am from a little sister who will talk to and make friends with anyone, something I wish I could do. I am from a little sister who has the biggest love from God that I've ever seen. I am from a little sister who tries her best to be the best teenager she can be, in these crazy times to grow up in. I am from two sisters that are both blonde, while I look like the odd one out. I am from two sisters that are awesome dancers and cheerleaders. I am from two sisters that I love so much. I am from two sisters that make me want to be a better person. I am from two sisters that really are my best friends. I am from two sisters that I couldn't be more proud of.
I am from the Bankston Bobcats (elementary). I am from the Pillow Academy Mustangs. (Jr. High and Highschool). I am from a Highschool with a huge love for sports. I am from gymnastics, dancing and cheerleading. I am from a place where football is just about everything. I am from riding backroads. I am from nights on Money Road. I am from parties in fields. I am from, my second home, Itta Bena. I am from my Itta Bena boys. I am from days and days on Roebuck Lake. I am from a love of country music and ice cold beer. I am from Centennial. I am from the "Community." I am from Twin Rivers. I am from where your days were spent outside playing kickball, baseball and hotbox. I am from where you ran around barefoot and played spotlight until all hours of the night. I am from "The Jazzy Reindeer." I am from the best friends a girl could ask for. I am from a place where having 13 bridesmaids is acceptable. I am from a place where you still have your best friends from pre-school. I am from best friends, who are more like sisters.
I am from Starkville, MS, home of the Mississippi State Bulldogs. I am from a family who is born, raised and proud of Mississippi State University. I am from Starkvegas. I am from Tri Delta Sorority. I am from my Tri Delta Sisters. I am from the home of the beloved cowbell. I am from the home of the Dawgpound Rock. I am from the home of the MAAARRROOOOOON and WWWHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTEEE. I am from 408 Old West Point Road. I am from where girls wear dresses, heels and pearls to football games. I am from where girls can drink just as much whiskey as the boys and know just about as much about football. I am from the home of The Junction, The Hump, Davis Wade Stadium and Dudy Noble Field. I am from Oby's and Cappe's Restaurants, where I worked everyday of college. I am from from McCool Hall, home of the business school. I am from the best conference in all of college, the SEC, where sports are everything!!!
I am from Kendol, my husband. I am from a husband who bought me that perfect little house on a hill. I am from someone who supports me, no matter how crazy I might be. I am from a husband who is crazy and will say anything... to anyone! I am from a husband with a HUGE love for football and Mississippi State. I am from a husband who loves the New Orleans Saints and always has. I am from a husband who is a boyscout leader and president of the Home Owners Assocation. I am from a husband that is passionate about his job and everything/everyone in his life. I am from a husband who makes me laugh and spends more time with me than any other most husbands I know. I am from a husband who loves to cook and loves to entertain, as do I. I am from a husband who still takes me on dates. I am from a husband, whose family has taken me in like I'm one of their own. I am from husband who is very family oriented. I am from a husband who is my best friend. I am from a husband who loves me more than anything in the world!
Most importantly I am from God and he has blessed me more than I deserve!!!
He fills my life with good things.
Psalm 103:5